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Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

Beberapa buku sepeda yang layak dikoleksi

Artikel kali saya akan mengulas secara singkat, buku buku mengenai sepeda yang layak dikoleksi dan kebanyakan adalah buku import, jika anda tertarik anda bisa langsung beli secara online di Amazon.com atau bagi pengguna perangkat produk Apple iPad bisa download di Newsstand.

Beberapa judul buku yang layak anda koleksi adalah :

1. Italian Racing Bicycles, The People, The Products, The Passion, karangan Guido P. Rubino.

Judul aslinya : Biciclette Italiane dalam bahasa Italia, bagi pecinta sepeda buatan Italia dan produk produknya, buku ini wajib dikoleksi. [Hardcover]

Beberapa merek produk yang diulas :

Detail buku ini membahas :
  • Brands and history, produk produk bermerek dan sejarahnya, ada sekitar 40 merek yg diulas secara detail.
  • On the roads to victory, beberapa Atlet ternama dari Italia
  • The response to Italian Style, keindahan dan kualitas produk Italia adalah yang paling utama.


2. Come Back 2.0, Up Close and Personal, Lance Armstrong, photographs by Elizabert Kreutz.

Dibuku [Hardcover] ini diceritakan bagaimana perjuangan Lance Armstrong kembali ke balap sepeda setelah mengalami Testicular Cancer pada tahun 1997.

Book Description:

After three years in retirement following his record-setting seventh Tour de France win—which he accomplished after successfully battling the testicular cancer that almost killed him—Lance Armstrong announced his return to professional cycling to help promote a Global Cancer Campaign. Comeback 2.0 is Lance Armstrong’s first-person photo-journal of his 2009 comeback season with the goal to take the LIVESTRONG message around the world.
Heavily illustrated with color photos and text , Comeback 2.0 includes an introduction by Lance that frames his decision to return to competitive cycling followed by journal-like entries written through the course of his comeback season beginning with the Tour Down Under, followed by the Tour of California, his spectacular crash in the first stage of the Vuelta a Castilla y Leon race in Spain that resulted in a broken collar bone, the Giro d’Italia, and finally the Tour de France. The journal entries will accompany spectacular four-color photos, that offer breathtaking views of the race stages as well as intimate, behind-the-scenes shots. Renowned sports photographer and photojournalist Elizabeth Kreutz has been granted unparalled access to Lance’s day-to-day world in this, his most triumphant season. 

3. CYCLEPEDIA, A Century Of Iconic Bicycle Design by Michael Embacher,
Khusus membahas sejarah design sepeda dari tahun 1925 - 2009  dari berbagai tipe sepeda seperti : Roadbike, MTB dan Folding bike.  [Hardcover] dan penuh dengan gambar gambar menarik, ayak buat dibaca.

Book Description:

For every way to ride, there s a bicycle to fit the need. An homage to the beauty of the bike, Cyclepedia showcases the innovations and legacies of bicycle design over the past century. Join longtime bike enthusiast and avid collector Michael Embacher for a tour of 100 bicycles, from the finest racing bikes and high-tech hybrids to the bizarrely specific (such as a bike designed to cycle on ice). Captivating photographs, detailed component lists, and anecdotal information illuminate the details that make each bicycle unique. Also including a foreword by cyclist and designer Paul Smith, Cyclepedia is the ultimate coffee-table book for devotees of the two-wheeled life.

4. The Complete Book of Long Distance Cycling by Edmund R. Burke, Ph.D. adn Ed Pavelka,

Dengan tema : Build the Strength, Skills and Confidence to Ride as Far as You Want, buku ini bagus sekali buat newbie / pemula khususnya yang mendambakan touring jauh, beberapa topik yang bagus antara lain:

* Make the most of every hour on your bike
* Build your mileage base efficiently
* Customize your training to suit your personality and physical capabilities
* Build extra training time into your hectic schedule
* Avoid injuries and the dangers of overtraining
* Achieve the mental edge you need to ride farther and faster
* Train for both road and off-road touring
* Choose cycling gear that goes and goes
* Eat for the long haul-- nutrtion before, during, and after your rides

5. Cycling FAST by Robert Panzera,

Dengan tema : Winning Essentials For Cycling Competition, bagi yang suka mengikuti kompetisi / balap, buku ini wajib dimiliki.

From bike preparation to competitive tactics, Cycling Fast provides the essential information you’ll need in order to master each event:

A. Choosing the right race for your skills, talent, and experience
B. Preparing your body and preparing your mind
C. Nutrition for training, racing, and recovery
D. Bike-handling skills for various conditions, environments, and terrains
E. Race-day strategies

Cycling Fast also includes the latest information on new high-tech racing frames, training with a power meter and heart rate monitor, and coordinating your tactics as part of a team.

Whether you’re in a criterium, a time trial, or a stage race or simply looking to ride faster, Cycling Fast is packed with training plans, tips, charts, and checklists that will translate to success at the finish line.

Chapter 1: Getting Started
Chapter 2: Gearing Up
Chapter 3: Choosing Your Race
Chapter 4: Preparing Your Body for Competition
Chapter 5: Mastering the Skills
Chapter 6: Racing Strategies
Chapter 7: Focusing on the Finish
Chapter 8: Nutrition and Hydration
Chapter 9: Year-Round Conditioning
Chapter 10: Pursuing Long-Term Goals

6. The Complete book of Road Cycling & Racing by Will Peveler,

Bagi anda yang ingin mengetahui cara setting, maintenance dan repairing sepeda atau mau memgetahui advanced riding skill, race tactics, program training dan nutrisi...anda membutuhkan buku ini...

Book Description:

Every road rider has goals. Yours may be to begin racing, to become more competitive, or to win a specific tour. Not interested in racing? Perhaps you want to complete your first century ride, improve your overall fitness, or ride father and faster just for the sheer joy of flying on two wheels.
No matter what your goals, The Complete Book of Road Cycling and Racing gives you all the information you need to become a better, more performance-focused cyclist. Written by an accomplished racing coach, cyclist, and exercise physiologist, this book shows you how to:
  • Fit the bike to your body for maximum efficiency and comfort
  • Ride safely in a group
  • Cope with any weather or altitude
  • Maintain your bike
  • Prepare for races of all types
  • Master racing strategies and tactics
  • Train efficiently and stay in peak condition year-round
  • And much more

7. It's Not About the Bike, My Journey Back to Life with Sally Jenkins


Buku ini mengisahkan perjalanan panjang / autobiographical sang legenda sepeda " Lance Armstrong" sebagai seorang Suami, Ayah, Anak, Penderita Kanker dan sebagai seorang Manusia biasa, buku ini adalah buku terlaris #1 New York Times BestSeller.

The book was written shortly after Armstrong had won the 1999 Tour de France: he went on to win it six further times in successive years, establishing a record. In 1996, he had been diagnosed with testicular cancer, which spread to his lungs, abdomen and brain, and was only given a 40 percent chance of living. This disrupted his career, but his success on his return prompted elements in the media to accuse him of doping.

Semoga bermanfaat.

Senin, 28 Mei 2012

Meningkatkan VO2 max dengan sepeda

Semenjak pertengahan tahun 2011, saya sudah merubah pola latihan bersepeda, dari pola latihan endurance ke pola latihan interval /sprint dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan VO2 max.

Disini anda memerlukan disiplin dan komitmen tinggi untuk melakukan latihan ini (sprint / interval), latihan ini sangat membosankan dan sangat menguras energi apalagi di kalangan penggemar balap sepeda ini menjadi momok menakutkan, setelah latihan, badan akan lemes dan kadang mengganggu aktifitas di kantor. Selain latihan interval, anda juga bisa latihan tanjakan untuk meningkatkan VO2 max anda.

Apa itu VO2 max ? ini beberapa cupilkan dari sumber lain mengenai VO2 max......

Dalam olahraga istilah VO2Max tentu bukanlah asing, Apa VO2Max itu? Kenapa atlet apabila di test VO2Max begitu takut untuk melakukan dan mengetahui hasilnya?

VO2 max adalah volume maksimal O2 yang diproses oleh tubuh manusia pada saat melakukan kegiatan yang intensif. Volume O2 max ini adalah suatu tingkatan kemampuan tubuh yang dinyatakan dalam liter per menit atau milliliter/menit/kg berat badan.

Kita perlu ketahui juga dari tubuh manusia, setiap sel membutuhkan oksigen untuk mengubah energi makanan menjadi ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) yang siap pakai untuk kerja tiap sel yang paling sedikit mengkonsumsi oksigen adalah otot dalam keadaan istrahat. Sel otot yang berkontraksi membutuhkan banyak ATP. Akibatnya otot yang dipakai dalam latihan membutuhkan lebih banyak oksigen. Sel otot membutuhkan banyak oksigen dan menghasilkan CO2. Kebutuhan akan Oksigen dan menghasilkan CO2 dapat diukur melalui pernafasan kita.

Dengan mengukur jumlah oksigen yang dipakai selama latihan, kita mengetahui jumlah oksigen yang dipakai oleh otot yang bekerja. Makin tinggi jumlah otot yang dipakai maka makin tinggi pula intensitas kerja otot.

Tingkat Kebugaran dapat diukur dari volume Anda dalam mengkonsumsi oksigen saat latihan pada volume dan kapasitas maksimum. Kelelahan atlet yang dirasakan akan menyebabkan turunnya konsentrasi sehingga tanpa konsentrasi yang prima terhadap suatu permainan, sudah hampir dipastikan kegagalan yang akan diterima.

Cepat atau lambatnya kelelahan oleh seorang atlet dapat diperkirakan dari kapasitas aerobik atlet yang kurang baik. Kapasitas aerobik menunjukkan kapasitas maksimal oksigen yang dipergunakan oleh tubuh (VO2Max). Dan seperti kita tahu, oksigen merupakan bahan bakar tubuh kita. Oksigen dibutuhkan oleh otot dalam melakukan setiap aktivitas berat maupun ringan.

Dan semakin banyak oksigen yang diasup/diserap oleh tubuh menunjukkan semakin baik kinerja otot dalam bekerja sehingga zat sisa-sisa yang menyebabkan kelelahan jumlahnya akan semakin sedikit.

VO2Max diukur dalam banyaknya oksigen dalam liter per menit (l/min) atau banyaknya oksigen dalam mililiter per berat badan dalam kilogram per menit (ml/kg/min).
Tentu, semakin tinggi VO2 max, seorang atlet yang bersangkutan juga akan memiliki daya tahan dan stamina yang istimewa.

Sekalipun memiliki stamina yang istimewa, atlet tetap harus memiliki penguasaan teknik cabangnya dengan baik. Sebab, dengan teknik yang baik, sang atlet akan efisien dalam bertarung. Artinya, sekalipun lawannya memiliki stamina yang istimewa, tetapi teknik pas-pasan, atlet kita yang bakal menang.

Bagaimana mengukur VO2 max ?

Sebagai pertimbangan dalam mengukur VO2 max adalah tes harus diciptakan demikian rupa sehingga tekanan pada pasokan oksigen ke otot jantung harus berlangsung maksimal. Kegiatan fisik yang memenuhi criteria ini harus:

1. Melibatkan minimal 50 % dari total masa otot. Aktivitas yang memenuhi criteria ini adalah lari, bersepeda, mendayung. Cara yang paling umum dilakukan dengan lari di Treadmill, yang bisa diatur kecepatan dari sudut inklinasinya

2. Lamanya tes harus menjamin terjadinya kerja jantung maksimal. Umumnya berlangsung 6 sampai 12 menit.

Salah satu alat ukur VO2Max adalah metode Cooper Test, metode ini cukup sederhana, tanpa biaya yang mahal dan akurasinya cukup wajar. Yakni atlet melakukan lari/jalan selama 12 menit pada lintasan lari sepanjang 400 meter. Setelah waktu habis jarak yang dicapai oleh atlet tersebut dicatat.
Rumus sederhana untuk mengetahui VO2Maxnya adalah : Jarak yang ditempuh dalam meter – 504.9 / 44.73.

Contoh : Budi melaksanakan Cooper Test dengan lari selama 12 menit, jarak yang dicapai (2600 meter – 504.9) dibagi 44.73 = 46.83881 mls/kg/min

Pemanfaatan teori VO2max ditentukan oleh kemampuan tubuh untuk menggunakan oksigen yang tersedia dan kemampuan sistem kardiovaskular tubuh untuk mengantarkan oksigen ke jaringan aktif.
Sejumlah penelitian menunjukkan bahwa orang dapat meningkatkan VO2max dengan bekerja atau berolahraga yang meningkatkan denyut jantung, menjadi antara 65 dan 85 persen dari maksimum, setidaknya selama 20 menit dalam 3 sampai 5 kali seminggu.

Dilansir Brianmac, Rabu (22/12/2010), berikut jumlah oksigen maksimal berdasarkan usia:

Pria (L/menit)
Wanita (L/menit)

Jumlah oksigen maksimal dalam tubuh tentunya semakin turun seriring dengan usia. Sebuah studi oleh Jackson dari Amerika Serikat menemukan bahwa terjadi penurunan rata-rata 0,46 ml/kg/menit per tahun untuk laki-laki (1,2 persen) dan 0,54 ml/kg/menit untuk perempuan (1,7 persen).

Bagaimana cara mengukur VO2max?
Perkiraan VO2max dapat ditentukan dengan menggunakan salah satu dari tes berikut:
  1. 2.4km Run Test
  2. Astrand Treadmill test, VO2max tes untuk lari di treadmill,
  3. Astrand 6 minute Cycle tes, VO2max tes untuk sepeda statik (bergerak di tempat),
  4. Balke VO2max test
  5. Balke Incremental treadmill protocol test, VO2max tes pada treadmill (untuk pria dan wanita).
  6. Bruce Incremental treadmill protocol test
  7. Cooper VO2max test
  8. Conconi test
  9. Critical Swim Speed, untuk perenang.
  10. Home Step Test, tes yang bisa digunakan di rumah.
  11. Harvard Step Test – measure of cardiovascular fitness
  12. Multistage Fitness Test or Bleep test
  13. Queens College Step Test
  14. Rockport Fitness walking test
  15. Tecumseh Step Test – measure of cardiovascular fitness
Olah raga apa saja yang dapat meningkatkan VO2max :
Lari Baseball
Kano atau sampan
Olahraga senam
Hoki es
Bola voli
Angkat besi

Semoga bermanfaat.

Rabu, 16 Mei 2012

47 Ways To Become a Better Race Rider

Diambil dari artikel :
Jesper Bondo Medhus
Plantagevej 7
7120 Vejle Øst

IF YOU think you’ve reached your cycling peak, then you should be applauded for training hard and doing all the right things.
But when preparing and taking part in a race, are you really doing everything you should be?
We can always find ways to boost our performance. In fact, the smallest improvements can make a huge difference to serious riders.
If you have a race coming up, take a look at the following skills/tips. Are you applying them all to your training and racing? If not, now is the time for some serious self-analysis…

Before the cycling race

1. Nutrition: Getting this right before a race is crucial. Consuming the correct amount and quality of food is so important for preparation. But be careful not to eat too much. In fact, if your race is shorter than two to three hours, there’s no need to worry too much about carb loading.
2. Hydration: Again, this is vital, especially before a race. Drinking little and often is recommended, especially in the 24 hours before the event. Even if you are not thirsty make sure you drink. Stick to water instead of fizzy or sports drinks, coffee and tea. And avoid alcohol!
3. Tapering: If it is a major competition that you have trained long and hard for, then you will also benefit from two to three weeks of tapering. But many riders still benefit from a short, sharp interval of about five minutes the day before a race. It will keep your enzymes at a competitive level without tiring you out.
4. Snooze control: Sleep is probably the most important part of any training regime. Sleeping well the night before a race is essential if you are to wake up feeling motivated and ready. Many riders struggle to sleep the night before a race. So to make sure you get at least seven hours, make sure you go to bed early, avoid having a TV / computer /smartphone in your bedroom, and avoid caffeine.
5. Preparing your bike for action: Mechanical trouble should never limit your chance to succeed. So decide on the best combination of available equipment. There are so many lovely bike parts out there but focus on what you actually possess to choose from the day before races. Don’t make radical changes to your bike set-up without testing it prior to the event.
6. Getting there on time: It’s mandatory to sign in at most cycling events. So without stating the obvious, it’s crucial to get there on time. Make sure you arrive in plenty of time and avoid delays. Getting held up before the start of an event that you have put so much time into preparing for only causes stress and may affect your performance.
7. Mental preparation: Getting into the right mindset so you are laser-focused on the challenge ahead is crucial. But while psyching yourself up and self-motivation are important, don’t forget to stay relaxed and try to enjoy the moment at the same time.
8. Gearing up: Don’t leave what you are going to wear until race day. Make sure you know in advance what you will wear during the race, and decide early on what tools, energy bars, and energy gels you will carry and how you will store them in your pockets.
9. Warm-up: This sounds like stating the obvious but please make sure you do a proper warm-up. Once you have signed in for the race, have a specific warm-up in mind to preepare your body for the severe test it is about to face.
10. Know the course: Make sure you know where the tough sections are (hills, crosswind areas, any cobble stones, bonus sprints). Do a dry run of the course. A leisurely practice ride will familiarise you with the course so there are no nasty surprises on the big day.


During the cycling race

11. Riding in a large group: Tucking yourself away in a big group could be the difference between being a hero or zero in the final sprint. This is the time to conserve energy for attacks and sprints so maximize the benefits of having others protecting you from the wind.
12. A good position: Maintaining a nice position in the pack is a sensible move. Always try to stay in the leading 20. If you end up in a bad position you’ll have to work harder each time one of the riders in front of you loses a few meters. You will save energy by having fewer riders in front of you and there are fewer people who can delay you.
13. Eating/ drinking in the pack: This is not easy and may require some practice. Eating, drinking and taking gels at high speed while surrounded by dozens of other riders is a bit of an art form. So practice doing this with some friends or club members if possible.
14. Aware of dangers: Be alert to the dangers a race could bring. Falling riders, potholes and traffic can cause frustrating barriers. Some dangers are unavoidable but if you ride nearer the front you are less likely to be brought down by a falling competitor. Doing a practice ride of the circuit will alert you to hazards.



15. Crosswinds and echelons: Crosswinds can devastate your race plan. When you turn into a crosswind there are risks of crosswind attacks. A few riders will create an echelon and will work hard to maintain the pressure, but this can string out a field in single line formation. If you’re not in the echelon you will suffer and the peloton is likely to split.
16. Surviving attacks: Before a breakaway gets established there might be several attacks you must survive. This is another good reason to try to maintain a position in the top 20, so you will be more alive to an attempted breakaway.
17. Pacing during breakaways: Attacking is one of the toughest things to do successfully. If you get it wrong, it could spell disaster and the end of your race. Make sure you get the pacing just right once you decide to go for it.
18. Separate yourself from the bunch: If you attack, then give it 100%. Don’t be looking behind you constantly. Put your heart and soul into it and try to limit your attempted breakaway to one attempt. If somebody breaks with you, then share the pacing workload.
19. Closing gaps: If there is a breakaway then it is important not to panic if you are left in the peloton. Depending at what point of the race the break has occurred, a co-ordinated startegy with your team or fellow riders will normally result in a breakaway rider(s) being reeled in.
20. Eating and drinking during breakaways: You work so much harder during a solo breakaway or in a smaller group. If you are close to the finish then you will also be focusing on tactical moves to beat the other breakaway riders. So it is easy to forget to hydrate and eat enough. Don’t fall into this trap.


Cycling Race Tactics

21. Stick to Plan A: You have probably run through your race plan in your head a hundred times before the event, especially if it’s a race you have prioritized. So stick to it. Don’t be tempted to suddenly deploy different tactics once the race has started. Stick to your guns.
22. Plan B: However unforeseen events can occur during any race so if something goes wrong make sure you have a back-up Plan B up your sleeve. If you get a puncture or suffer a fall then Plan A will go out of the window. Then be prepared to launch Plan B.
23. Dirty tricks: While we don’t recommend them, you will probably be well aware that some riders employ unscrupulous tactics during a race to give them an advantage. Be prepared for this and act accordingly. Whatever you do, don’t get sucked into copying these pesky rivals.
24. Taking advantage of random opportunities: Sometimes things happen during a race that are unexpected. Maybe several of your rivals will be involved in a fall that you manage to avoid. It is important to make the most of these opportunitiies.
25. Taking advantage of the weather forecast: Be aware of the weather and try to use the elements to your advantage. Make sure you train in all weathers so you are prepared for rain and wind. Bury yourself in the pack if it is very windy to minimize your effort.

Last km

26. Positioning before the final sprint: Even if you are the fastest sprinter, if you are not in a good position you have no chance of winning the final dash to the line. Keep at the wheel of a sprinter you know is going to be among the front runners. And if you are lucky you may have team-mates who will help you get in the perfect position.
27. Choosing gears: It is vital to be able to react to your rivals’ attacks so make sure you are in control of your gear changes and that you are always in the optimum gear. This will also allow you to achieve maximum speed in the final sprint. Avoid a gear shift in the last 200m.
28. Choosing tactics: Tactics are crucial, so before the race make sure you have an overall race plan. Visualise yourself riding the race and mentally run through your tactical plan beforehand. Make sure your strategy will help you achieve the best possible result.
29. Attacks and counter-attacks: As you get close to the finishing line there are likely to be several attacks. So make sure you are prepared for these. Be alive to who is attacking: if it is a major rival then the attack should be taken more seriously.
30. Benefiting from other riders’ tactical moves: You can often gain an advantage by capitalising on the tactical moves of others. For example, if a rival makes a break you could latch on to him and go with him. It could boost your chance of a great result.
31. Taking chances: Sometimes a cycling race ends like a bit of a lottery with dozens of riders jockeying for position in the final sprint. But it is possible to gain a better outcome if you are prepared to take a few risks during a race.
32. Physical contact: Be prepared for lots of elbows flying and other physical contact. Nothing beats experience so your race tactics will improve over time and the more you race. But cycling can be a dog-eat-dog sport, especially near the finish of a race.
33. The sprint: Timing is crucial. Don’t go too early but don’t leave it too late. In the sprint to the line you will normally only have one big effort. Make it count. Get into the best possible position and go for it. Try to use wind conditions to your advantage.

Technical issues

34. Braking before cornering: This can be hazardous so make sure you practise breaking at corners during your training regime. Remember that it is not how fast you ride before a corner, it is how you ride out of the corner that is the most important thing.
35. Accelerate after cornering: Following on from the prevous point, once you have negotiated a corner put your pedals to the floor and accelerate to make you hold your position. Also, be mindful of others attacking coming out of corners.
36. Pedalling during cornering: Taking a corner can be tricky and you may not need to pedal. Staying in the saddle is the priority so you should be able to freewheel before speeding up once you’ve taken the corner.
37. Cornering at the right speed: Don’t go too fast into a corner. You may end up flat on your back. Getting to know the course beforehand and even riding around it could be a good idea to get to know any problem corners.
38. Slippery corners (sand, gravel, oil, rain etc.): The weather could make some corners extra slippery. Be aware of this. Again, preparation is key, so a ride round the course could alert you to any slippery areas caused by things like oil or gravel.
39. Cobble stones: Some cycling races include short sections on cobble stones and even though it isn’t Paris-Roubaix, it might influence the race result. Try to practice on cobbles to get used to the uncomfortable and bumpy ride.
40. Descents: Even though uphill riding is much, much more difficult, descents can be places where you can save or lose crucial time. They also increase the risk of a fall so make sure you practise some descents if your race is hilly.

Random skills

41. Reading the race: The more race experience you get the better you will become at competing. Being able to recognize who the strongest riders are is something that will come in time but it is such an important skill.
42. Knowing your competitors: You may already know your main race rivals. But knowing as much as possible about your competitors and how they will react to different terrain can only help you. For example, who are the strongest sprinters? Hill climbers?
43. The nature of the race: Remember, you are probably just one out of maybe 100 riders. If you’re lucky, you might have a few team-mates, but you will still have to accept that the race is never under control. It’s all about being prepared for unknown events as well as tactical moves from other riders and teams.
44. Strength in numbers: If you are one member of a team then communication is vital. Strength in numbers can only help your individual effort. Use your team-mates to help carry you to a better performance.
45. Being proactive: Inner strength, self determination and the power to choose how you respond to tactical moves, the weather and other circumstances can give you an edge, both mentally and physically. Don’t just wait for something to happen.
46. Relieve yourself: There is nothing worse than wanting to go to the toilet during a race. So give yourself plenty of time to visit the loo before the race. It could prevent hours of discomfort.
47. Sharing good tips with your best friends: 
Talk to your riding friends and team-mates if you have any. Listen to their experiences and pick their riding brains if they are more experienced than you or have knowledge of a particular race

Kamis, 10 Mei 2012

Melatih Strenght - Training Program

Fakta, bahwa latihan angkat berat bagi pengendara sepeda membantu dalam meningkatkan kecepatan dan ketahanan. Salah satu cara melatih kekuatan otot kaki adalah latihan strenght dengan beban, program pelatihan dengan beban biasanya dilakukan saat Off -season, setelah event race selesai saat setelah memasuki masa recovery, dengan jangka waktu seminggu antara 2-3 kali, saya biasanya lebih suka di hari Senin, Rabu dan Jummat.
Selama off season, tujuan anda adalah untuk meningkatkan kekuatan dan kemampuan tetapi selama musim bertanding tujuan Anda adalah mempertahankan apa yang telah Anda capai.

Sebelum memulai program angkat beban selalu lakukan pemanasan untuk mencegah cidera dan untuk membantu otot anda memperoleh manfaat maksimal dari latihan yang akan anda lakukan. Beban yang akan anda gunakan sebaiknya diawali dari yang ringan terlebih dahulu sehingga anda dapat mempelajari teknik yang baik sebelum menggunakan beban yang berat dan melakukan pengulangan. Target pengangkatan beban adalah antara 20-30 kali per set selama 3 set, tujuan untuk mendapatkan keseimbangan antara endurance dan power.

Ketika anda merencanakan program angkat beban untuk bersepeda, anda mungkin menginginkan untuk menggabungkan latihan lain untuk membangun kekuatan tubuh, otot abdominal kuat, dan kekuatan lengan atas yang baik. Inti kekuatan akan memberi anda kekakuan yang anda perlukan untuk mengantarkan sejumlah tenaga secara maksimal dari otot quadrisep menuju kayuhan anda. Dan kekuatan tubuh bagian atas akan memberikan perlindungan saat akan jatuh yang menjadi bagian dalam perlombaan.

Manfaat lain dari latihan beban adalah meningkatkan vitalitas tulang dan mencegah terjadinya osteoporosis dan penyakit keropos tulang lainnya. Kepadatan tulang diperkirakan meningkat sekitar 20% dalam waktu 6 bulan melalui latihan beban yang rutin, namun akan meningkat lebih cepat tentunya bila Anda menambahkan konsumsi penganan yang kaya kalsium.

Beberapa teknik latihan yang anda bisa lakukan adalah :

1. Teknik Squat

2. Teknik Hip Sled

3. Teknik Leg Extension

4. Teknik Leg Curl

5. Teknik Bench Press

6. Teknik Lat Pull-Down

7. Teknik Arm Curl

8. Teknik Back Extension

Semoga bermanfaat.